The Jury

The Jury
By joining Startup 4 Climate, contestants have the opportunity to pitch their ideas to our jury of experts. Two winners will share a prize of 2 million SEK, as well as coaching from the expert jury, to help catalyze their ideas and contribute to the energy transition. The winners choose which jurymember they want coaching from. 
Learn more about our jury of experts. 


Stefan Krook

Stefan Krook

Stefan Krook is a serial social entrepreneur with vast experience from the telecom, IT and electricity sectors. In 1997 he co-founded internet service provider Glocalnet which later merged into Telenor Sverige. He co-founded the GoodCause Foundation where he is also chairman. The foundation has started companies such as GodEl and GodFond. Stefan is co-founder and chairman of Kivra.

Interview with Stefan Krook in Affärsvärlden:
Profilen bakom miljardärernas elbolag, entreprenörskap är min enda talang. 

Johan Lindehag

Johan Lindehag

Johan Lindehag is the CEO of Ellevio, one of the largest electricity distribution companies in Sweden with nearly one million customers. Johan has more than 20 years of experience from the energy sector, and prior to his position at Ellevio he occupied several senior management positions within the industry. Johan is also a member of the Board of Directors of the energy startup Flower Technology (formerly Krafthem) that is focusing on power flexibility to enable the energy transition.

Interview with Johan in Under 15 podcast: Listen to the episode here

Jane Walerud

Jane Walerud

Jane Walerud has been a successful serial entrepreneur and private investor since 2002. She has invested in several successful companies, including Klarna and Lensway. Nowadays, the family business Walerud Ventures focuses on deep tech, clean tech and AI first companies. The current active portfolio includes Volumental, Graphmatech, Swedish Algae Factory and Racefox.

Interview with Jane Walerud in
Lyfte Klarna nu ska hon rädda världen med djupteknik. 

Lina Bertling Tjernberg

Lina Bertling Tjernberg

Lina Bertling Tjernberg is a Professor, and Director of the Energy platform, at KTH the Royal Institute of Technology. Her research and teaching are focused on power grid technology for sustainable developments with special interest in reliability analysis, predictive maintenance and asset management. She is a Distinguished Lecturer of IEEE Power & Energy Society. She was also selected as “Årets Kraftkvinna” 2022. 

Interview with Lina in
Forskaren som vill vara den sansade i energidebatten – DN.SE

Johanna Mossberg

Johanna Mossberg

Johanna Mossberg is Head Resource Efficient Community Department at the Swedish Energy Agency, as well as adjunct senior lecturer in energy science at Luleå University of Technology. Mossberg holds in-depth knowledge on topics such as environmental improvement assessment of industrial production and biorefinery concepts and analysis of industrial transition. She has previously been managing director of f3 – the Swedish knowledge centre for renewable transportation fuels.

Interview with Johanna.
Den biobaserade vägen till den fossilfria framtiden.