Are you ready to join Startup 4 Climate 2024?
Please read the instructions below!

Who can participate?

This challenge is open for Swedish startups whose innovation is in line with the definition of the energy transition, meaning that it promotes the switch from current energy and transport systems to those systems and solutions that are smarter, more efficient and more climate friendly. Companies that apply must also meet the following criteria:

  • The applicant is a swedish registered Aktiebolag (AB) that conducts its business in Sweden.
  • The applicant has a maximum of 49 employees, this includes potential partner and affiliated companies.
  • The applicant is not publicly listed.

How do you win the grand prize?

Whether your submission will be chosen to pitch and have a chance to win the grand prize will be determined based on how well it meets the following criteria:

Climate impact

Does it have a positive impact on the climate? For example through

  • reductions of greenhouse gas emissions measured in CO₂e.
  • reduced and/or more efficient energy use.
  • behaviour changes that lead to sustainable consumption.


Is it, you guessed it, doable?

Business model

Is it profitable?


How does it differ from already existing ideas?


An unofficial criterion based solely on the jury’s emotional response to your project. Make them feel it!

What is expected from you?

The Pitch and Final Event
Shortlisted startups must be prepared to pitch their submission live to the jury of experts on the final event in Stockholm 14 November 2024. Pitches should be a maximum of 10 minutes long and should answer the questions stated on the following page of this document. Use of prototypes and digital presentation tools is encouraged. 

If your submission takes home the grand prize, nobody but you will continue to own your work. By submitting your project you agree to your company and your project being presented in external communication created by GodEl, Ellevio, THINGS and We Don’t Have Time.

The final event will take place in Stockholm. All potential costs related to travel and accommodation will be paid for by the participants. Practical information about the events will be sent out well in advance.

Join the challenge!

Then let’s do this! Please fill out the submission form and follow the instructions. We look forward to learning about your innovation.

Submission form